To socks or not to socks...

To socks or not to socks...
I am quite focused on socks these days. As everyone, I spent my spring without wearing any and my summer bare feet. Mid-October, after six months of freedom for my little feet, getting myself to wear socks again became almost an ordeal…

Is it serious, Doctor?

Not at all! The weather still allows to wear loafers, Oxford shoes, boat shoes, ballet pumps… It is much more chic to wear them bare feet, showing off this ankles that I dare not see. Let’s extend summer in the Cap Ferret, my friends! So long as we can, we can…

But let’s not delude ourselves for too long, the sock comeback is fast approaching and you will have to be ready and to fully appreciate it : it is an essential accessory!

Are you doubtful? Yet, for several years, the sock is truly the star, because trousers are becoming shorter and shorter (for men and women by the way) and tights are now persona non grata.

But then, does the sock have to match the shoe? The trousers? Or can we do as we please????

Tough question… At Victoire, we advise you to maybe match it half-way between the trousers and the shoes, not to take too big of a risk. There is nothing worse than a « sock fashion faux pas ». However, we will know how to acknowledge the most daring and for them there are no predefined rules. You can clash colours and motives with only one goal in mind: style, my friends, style!

Have a nice weekend, 
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