New face of Saint-Tropez


Let me introduce to you, Aurélie, who has joined our men and women’s boutique in Saint Tropez.Come and meet her lovely smile and …familiar look. 

How did you come to know Victoire?

It's a long story…

The first time I went to Victoire, I was in business school and that day was helping a friend who was looking for a wedding outfit.Françoise Chassagnac took care of us ... My friend left with the perfect outfit and me, a part time job!... that I ended up leaving, to concentrate on my studies.

I started my career in marketing, first at l'Oréal, then in advertising in London.Back in Paris, I became the commercial director of a linen brand; official shoe supplier of the Elysée,I even know Mitterand’s shoe size (41)!

Finally, I create my own brand; my specialty: goodies for beauty editors ... bags, purses...I found my fabrics in Saint Pierre market and looked for "Made in France" suppliers!In 94, my first collection of bags was presented at Première Classe (an accessory showcase), one of my designs even made the Figaro news! Everything follows, JC de Castelbajac asks me to create and design his bags (fashion show in 3 weeks!) And the Luggage department boss makes me in charge of freelance styling.

After years of running around, I dreamt of stability. In 2006, Florence and Gilles - whom I know well because Victoire bought my bags for a long time – offers me a job to work alongside Florence on Madame Street, then Duphot street. A few years later, I went to reinforce St Tropez’s team… that was 3 years ago and I’m never going back ...

What's Victoire for you? 

First of all, Victoire is original, colorful, well cut and super quality clothes for both men and women ... Victoire is my personal stylist for life. Secondly, Victoire has an admirable selection of creators, with the will to offer unique pieces, creating an easy basic look with a twist.
Finally, Victoire is a real timeless fashion brand, I still wear pieces from the 80’s!

Victoire and Saint Tropez?

Freedom, great vibes and fantasy. An offbeat look with a touch of chic and modern but always full of personality! Thank you Aurélie and see you soon in Saint Tropez!

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