Aaaaaawwww Italy!

Aaaaaahhhh l'Italie !
We are back from a week spent in Milan buying pieces for the summer 2025 collection for women. And my friends, between Victoire and Italy, it is truly a lasting love story.
It started on the place des Victoires, 60 years ago, where we were the first to show you Prada, Gucci, Roméo Gigli, Brunello, Cuccinelli and many other fashion giants who changed, at the time, fashion onto Art.
Since then, our Italian love story continues with more exclusives and confidential collections… Their similarities with big-name companies? The Holy Trinity: know-how, creativity and a natural understanding of beauty.
Italians worship materials and fabrics. Como silk, Biella cashmere… it’s like for dishes, every region has their speciality.
The vertical cuts that « fall » without « tumbling » and that instantly gives us a Sophia Lauren look…
And the creativity: the painted flowers by Gheradeschi, the material mix by Gallamini, the upcycled trench-coat by Robbi re-javu (in the picture above, working in his workshop)…
A fashion that is a thousand miles from short-lived and superficial…
Dear Italy, let’s celebrate our diamond wedding anniversary with elegance and chic as our life philosophy.
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